Our Music curriculum aims to develop creativity and inspire pupils to develop a love of music which will last them a lifetime.
During Early Years and KS1, pupils are taught to express themselves using their voices through chants, songs and rhymes as well as play tuned and untuned instruments.
In KS2, pupils are taught to improvise and compose music for a range of purposes linked to the inter-related musical dimensions; rhythm, pitch, dynamics, structure, silence, timbre and tempo. Pupils learn how to understand staff notation, as well as other forms of musical notation. They also learn to appreciate music from different traditions, eras, composers and musicians.
From Year 2 to 6, pupils learn to play a tuned musical instrument including glockenspiels, ukuleles, P-bones, recorders and handbells.
Peripatetic music lessons area also offered to all children, including SEN and vulnerable groups to develop their musical talents.
We are also the first school in Derbyshire to achieve the ‘Music Excellence Partner’ status.
Wider musical opportunities this year at Griffe Field Primary…
- Young Voices choir
- Weekly Choir
- Y5 Ukeleles lunchtime Club
- Year 4 trip to watch a live performance of ‘The Snowman’
- Music maestros from KS2 organised a concert in school
- Music partnership singing sessions and final performance for all Year 3 children
- Brass group perform outside for parents
- Indian drumming workshop for Year 3
- Samba workshop for Year 6
Live music in school assemblies:
- Indian percussion instruments played by a music producer in assembly, guitarist, flautist, selection of brass instruments played.
- Nativity performances – Foundation Stage and Key Stage One
- Year Group Assemblies
- Year Five and Six End of Year Performance
Mrs Smith and Mrs Hindle
Music Subject Leaders