
Admissions Arrangements

Click here to see a copy of the 2024-25 Admissions Policy.

Click here to see a copy of the 2025-26 Admissions Policy.

Click here to see a copy of the 2026-27 Admissions Policy.

Click here to see a copy of the 2024-25 Nursery Admissions Policy.

Admissions to the school are arranged by the Local Authority, Derby City Council. The Governors’ Admission Policy offers places in Reception to the Standard Admission Number (60) as follows:

  1. Children who are looked after – in care of or accommodated by – Derby City Council or another Local Authority.
  2. Children living in the normal area of the school (priority to those with siblings at the school at the time of admission).
  3. Children living outside the normal area of the school (priority to those with siblings at the school at the time of admission).

Griffe Field Primary School is a popular school and unsuccessful requests for places can be taken to appeal with the school.

SEND Admissions

The admission arrangements for ALL pupils are in accordance with national legislation, including the Equality Act 2010. This includes children with any level of SEN; those with Education, Health and Care Plans and those without.

In common with other maintained schools, the Local Authority (Derby City Council) administers admissions into the school.

Admissions to Reception

The Standard Admission Number for the school is 60 and this is the number of pupils that will be admitted into the Reception year. Applications should be made before a given date, which is published annually (see below).

Places are awarded using the following criteria (Governors’ Admissions Policy):

1.  Children who are or have been looked after by a local authority in accordance with Section 22(1) of the children Act 1989. Looked after children and all previously looked after children, including those children who appear (to the admission authority) to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted 

2.  Children who are both living in the catchment area served by the school and have brothers or sisters of compulsory school age still attending the school at the time of their admission.  

3.  Other children living in the catchment area at the time of admission. 

4.  Children who do not live in the catchment area served by the school but who have brothers or sisters of compulsory school age attending the school at the time of their admission. 

5.  Other children whose parents have requested a place. 

6.  Children whose parents did not request a place by the closing date of 15 January.  

Where there are more children in any group than spaces, places will be offered by proximity to the school (Derby City Council measure). Unsuccessful applicants can appeal to the Local Authority and the details of this procedure will be given at the time.

Most children will be admitted to Reception in the September of that school year (1st Sept. – 31st Aug.) in which a child becomes 5. If your child has Special Educational Needs or might benefit from a later start, when they are a little more mature, you could discuss this with the school.

Admissions to other Year Groups

Admissions to other year groups will be made up to the agreed number for each year group and subsequently at the Governors’ discretion, having due regard to LA policies and the need not to prejudice efficient education and use of resources. Applications can be made by completing the Council’s Common Application Form (CAF) available from the Admissions Section or by telephoning the department 01332 642725 or 642728.

The PAN for each year group from Reception to Year 6 is 60 pupils in total.

How do I apply for a place?

Derby City Council Admissions Service are responsible for coordinating all applications from parents for school places in our catchment area. If you want to apply for an infant, junior or primary school place in Derby, you need to make an application to them.

As a parent you have a legal right to express a preference for a school that you want your child to attend. If your preferred school has a place, then a place should be offered to your child.

Applying for a Reception, Junior or Primary School in 2025

If you want to apply for the intake year of an Infant, Junior or Primary school starting in September 2025, you can make your application from 3rd November 2024 onwards. You need to apply by the National Closing Date of 15th January 2025. Any applications made after 15th January 2025 will be classed as ‘late’ and considered after all ‘on time’ applications have been dealt with. To make an application you can:

  • apply online – it’s quick and easy and lets you track the progress of your application
  • apply by phone on 01332 642730 – this takes around 5 minutes and you will need to know the name of the school you are applying to
  • apply using a paper form – telephone 01332 642730 to ask us to send you one.

If you make your application online, you will be able to access your decision on 15th April 2025 – National Offer Day. If you apply by phone or on a paper form your offer letter will be posted on 15th April 2025, second class. No decision will be given over the telephone.

Making an in-year application

If you want to make an application for a school in Derby City Council’s area, you need to complete a Primary School in-year admission form. As the Council’s Admissions service, we are responsible for co-ordinating all applications made for secondary school places.

Alternatively, you can complete the eform – it’s quick and easy. If you want to apply using a paper form, you can telephone 01332 642725 or 642728 to ask us to send you one.

How DCC process your application

When you complete your application form you will have the opportunity to express preferences in rank order for up to three schools both in and outside of Derby City. You will also be able state your reasons for your preferences. DCC will then process your application form according to how you have ranked your schools and you should receive a written decision from us within 15 working days.

Letting you know our decision

DCC will send you our decision which will be one of these three outcomes:

  • School place is offered where your child meets the criteria for a place at the first preferred school.
  • School place is offered where your child meets the criteria for a place at the second or subsequent highest ranked preferred school.
  • Where it is not possible to offer you the highest ranked school, your child will be added to that school’s waiting list and you are informed of how to appeal to the Independent Appeal Panel if you wish.

You can also track your application process online.

Derby City Council primary school admissions website

To find out more about Derby City Council primary school admissions please click here.

What if I am moving house?

Please contact Derby City Council Admissions department for information tel 01332 642728 or email

The Schools ‘Catchment’ Area

Ambervale Close
Appledown Way
Aster Gardens
Birchway Grove
Bramblewick Drive
Brindle Way
Brookdale Drive
Bowbank Close
Callow Hill Way (69 upwards, odds 58 to 68 evens)
Cherrydale Court
Comfrey Close
Cranberry Grove
Fairford Gardens
Fieldfare Court
Greenmount Close
Groombridge Crescent
Grosvenor Drive
Hargreaves Close
Hebden Close
Hollybrook Way (50 & upwards,evens)
Ivy Leaf Way
Kelvedon Drive
Kilnsey Court
Maize Close
Malham Road
Meadow Brook Close
Mossvale Drive
Nettleton Close
Portico Road
Queensbury Chase
Richmond Close
Sedgemoor Way
Shiregate Gardens
Squires Way (19 & upwards, odds 22 & upwards, evens)
Summerville Close
Templebell Close
Watermint Close
Wheathill Grove
Wintergreen Drive
Woodale Close

Parts of Heatherton NOT in School Catchment Area

Adelphi Close
Badgerdale Way
Barnhill Grove
Boxmoor Close
Bridgeness Road
Callow Hill Way (numbers not in ‘normal area’)
Cascade Grove
Chesterford Court
Copse Grove
Corbridge Grove
Coxgreen Court
Cranhill Close
Dovewood Court
Farrier Gardens
Foxbrook Close
Frampton Gardens
Gayton Thorpe Close
Gorsehill Grove
Haycroft Court
Hedgevale Close
Hollybrook Way (numbers not in ’normal area’)
Lakeside Drive
Little Woodbury Drive
Longthorpe Close
Palatine Grove
Palladium Drive
Pennycress Close
Pulborough Gardens
River Hall Close
Rossington Drive
Squires Way (numbers not in ‘normal area’)
Tawny Way
Trefoil Close
Troutbeck Grove
Whittlebury Drive
Woodcote Way